Service Times

9:30 AM Sunday School (Sept.-May)
10:30 AM Worship Service & Livestream
Children's Ministry
3:30 PM Youth Group


7:00 PM Prayer Meeting

Childcare is provided during our Sunday Worship Service.


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See list of Service Times



  Y'ALL (Young Adult Literary League) Bible Study  //  Mondays, 6:00 PM
Young adults are invited to join us for a time of Bible study. For more information, please contact the church office (contact number here).



  Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting  //  Wednesdays, 7:00 PM
Join us for a time of corporate prayer each Wednesday.



  Men's Bible Study  // Thursdays, 10:00 AM
All men are invited to join us for a time of study in God's Word.



  Adult Bible Quizzing  //  July 21 & 28, 9:30 AM
Join us for a time of Bible verse memory with varied levels of difficulty. Children are invited to watch and encourage the participants. Plan to join us!



  Sunday Worship & Livestream  //  Sundays, 10:30 AM
Join us for corporate worship at the church on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Please arrive between 10:00-10:30 AM to be seated. Alternatively, we also be provide a live stream of the service which begins promptly at 10:15 AM. Visit us at to tune in.



  Annual Church Picnic  //  July 28, Following worship service
All are invited to join us for our jungle-themed church picnic! The church will provide meat and beverages. Please plan to bring a side dish and/or dessert to share with others.



  WOW Ladies Bible Study  // Saturday, August 3 | 10:00 AM
All ladies are invited to join us during he months of August through September for a time of Bible study and fellowship. Meets each Saturday.



  Ladies Bible Study  // Monday, September 16 | 6:00 PM
Our Ladies Bible Study will resume on September 16th. All ladies are invited to attend.





Sunday School
9:30 AM | September-May

Join us each Sunday morning for Sunday School as we study God's Word together. Classes are provided for all ages.

Youth Group
Sundays | 3
:30-5:00 PM
Our youth group ministry meets for a time of fellowship and spiritual growth for the youth of our church.

Family Fellowship Potluck
4th Sunday of Month
Join us after our morning worship service for food and fellowship at our monthly potluck. Bring a dish to share and fellowship with your church family. Meets in the fellowship hall.

Throughout the Week

WOW Ladies Bible Study
Meets 2nd & 4th Saturday
(Sept.-May) | 10:00 AM

All women are invited to join us for this valuable time of Bible study. For more information, please contact the church office (contact number here).

Men's Bible Study
Thursdays  | 10:00 AM

All men of FBF are invited to join us for a time of study in God's Word. Bring your Bible and be ready to be challenged in your faith and fellowship with others.

Small Group Ministry
We currently have several small group activities throughout the week. This is a time to dig into God's Word with other believers in a small setting. For additional information about specific groups where you can get plugged in with, please contact the church office (contact number here).

Discipleship Opportunity
If you are interested in being discipled one-on-one, please contact the church office (contact number here) as soon as possible so that we may set you up with our FBF discipleship ministry.

Mailbox Ministry
Members and attendees are encouraged to check their mailboxes in the foyer on a weekly basis. This has become a central hub of communication regarding upcoming ministries and events. Also, this is a great way to encourage other believers through cards and letters.


Please Note: Times and locations for events throughout the week may periodically change. Generally, these ministries are announced in our weekly bulletin from. If you are new to our church, please call the office to confirm that the event will occur as planned (contact number here).



©2010-2024 Faith Bible Fellowship Church     126 W. Overdale Drive | Tallmadge, OH